[HamWAN PSDR] Beacon Tower-Capital Park Backbone Link

Tom Hayward tom at tomh.us
Wed Mar 28 09:25:13 PDT 2018

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Tony Ross <w7efs at centurylink.net> wrote:

> On 03/28/2018 08:46 AM, Tom Hayward wrote:
> ...
>> There's a lot of broken stuff right now, so my priorities for the next
>> few months will be helping with repairs rather than improvements. And East
>> Tiger is now single-homed, so it would be nice to find something for it to
>> connect to in the SW direction.
>> ...
> I've been told by a person very familiar with the East Tiger site that
> there's line of sight to Capitol Peak, so that might be a solution.
> Hopefully the trees haven't grown high enough that the existing and defunct
> Tukwila antenna might be re-aimed.

That is a really long shot, and we won't be able to get permission to
install a corresponding dish at Capitol Peak, so that path is unlikely to
be viable. Camp Murray is probably a more realistic option. The gear is on
the ground there waiting to be installed.

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