[HamWAN PSDR] Puget Sound Project Status update (sites)

Matthew Lawson kc7eqo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 09:33:45 PDT 2018

Rob some how I missed the info about Blyn Mtn, I own, operate a repeater at
the Blyn site. I am also due for a site visit and antenna work before the
winter weather comes. Please let me know what I can do to help. I will try
to work around my busy work schedule. I am outfitted to climb as I used to
do this for a living.


*Matthew Lawson*
*442.100 + 100 Hz PL Blyn Mt Repeater*

*http://www.qrz.com/db/KC7EQO/R <http://www.qrz.com/db/KC7EQO/R>*

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 3:10 PM Rob Salsgiver <rob at nr3o.com> wrote:

> Back on 8/21 I sent out a request for info regarding the following sites
> that were discussed earlier this year:
>    1. Lookout Mtn
>    2. Gold Mtn
>    3. Buck Mtn
>    4. Rattlesnake Ridge
>    5. Blyn Mtn
>    6. Added since initial email:
>       1. Mt Constitution
>       2. Gig Harbor
>       3. SnoCo SERS Granite Falls (possible – next year candidate)
> To date I’ve only received responses for the following locations:
>    1. Buck Mtn – in process w/Kenny.  (info in other threads)
>    2. Gig Harbor – time TBD, not weather critical (Kenny)
>    3. Rattlesnake – Any day now.  Priority project for DMR support before
>    the weather changes.  Being coordinated between Rob Ghatham AF7PR and Tom
>    for tech support.  Equipment funded by Rob AF7PR.  Climber needed.
>    4. Lookout – Weather limiting by end of October?  Rob Chatham AF7PR is
>    the site contact.  Rob S willing to coordinate.  Equipment BOM in review
>    between Bart and Scott Honaker.  SnoDEM potential assistance with hardware
>    (hoops exist to jump through).  This site has significant regional
>    improvements it could offer into Skagit/Whatcom/Island counties.  Ready
>    immediately per Rob AF7PR but we have to schedule the timing and
>    resources.  I’m working to schedule a site visit to survey.  Need to know
>    from others what PTP links we are looking to do here and develop BOM.
> I have received no information regarding Blynn or Gold, and have very
> little on Constitution.  Given the short remaining season and available
> help, I recommend we hold Blynn until next year.
> *What remains for Gold?*
> *CLIMBERS NEEDED.*  We are extremely limited for climbers at this time.
> Our existing climbers have been tapped for time, particularly as they have
> also been “on the hook” for building/configuring the equipment as well.  I
> am willing to build and configure equipment (others are welcome as well).
> We MAY be able to get short windows from our current climbers if the rest
> is done, but we really need MORE climbers.  Let me know if anyone is
> willing to do the climbing work, whether you are certified and/or have your
> own gear.
> If you have any additional info on the above projects, please let me
> know.  At a minimum I would like to see us get Rattlesnake, Lookout, and
> Buck done in the next 30 days before the snow flies.  There are other
> low-elevation projects to keep us busy this winter.
> Thanks,
> Rob Salsgiver – NR3O
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