[HamWAN PSDR] I need some help

Bonadies, Matt mbonadie at iu.edu
Wed Mar 5 12:55:33 PST 2014

It looks like you have a subnet mask mismatch.  It would explain the 169.x.x.x self-assigned address.  Your PC is looking for a different gateway?  I see: on your local machine, and on the router config.  What subnet is the DHCP server on?
Matthew L. Bonadies
Campus Network Operations
Wireless Networks
Indiana University - Bloomington
mbonadie at iu.edu<mailto:mbonadie at iu.edu>
(812) 855-2422

From: PSDR [mailto:psdr-bounces at hamwan.org] On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 11:54 AM
To: 'Puget Sound Data Ring'
Subject: [HamWAN PSDR] I need some help

I've learned a lot about networking in the last few days but I could not find the magic configuration to get on the network from my computer.  So it time for me to ask for help.
Here is where I think I am having problems:
In Winbox, /tool traceroute  and /ping google.com work, Thus I think the problem is at Step 22.
-22. OPTIONAL: Integrate HamWAN routing into your LAN
Configure a Windows workstation to use your new modem
route ADD MASK <ether1 IP of your modem>
I assume that it is referring to Internet Protocol Version 4(TCO/IPv4) Properties window.  When set to Obtain an IP address automatically,  ipconfig replies:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::a46d:acad:f85d:c8b%8
   Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

When I have tried various fixed addresses and subnet masks, cannot seem to get anything to work.

Is there something I missed in the router or on the computer?

March 5 9:50: I am on ICR.


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